Thursday, June 10, 2010


Lately i have been experimenting with my camera (Nikon D5000) have you ever tried to get pictures of rain drops on leaves. It's really not that easy. The trees just keep moving in the wind. You are trying to focus and it dam near impossible.
Ok so people keep saying we are not changing the weather. That Eco people are just full of shit, look outside people i don't think this is all natural. I'm not saying the earth is gonna turn to ice or fire. All I'm saying is yes we are having an impact on the weather.
Pollution gathers in the air. That pollution forms clouds. Those clouds are storm & rain clouds. Do you seriously think the weather i suppose to be like this. I feels like the beginning of spring its getting on to summer. Truthfully i prefer the wind and rain lately. Just because when it is hot it's HOT. It usually does not even last a day so.....
All i think is if we cleaned up the pollution our weather would balance out more. There would be less acid rain, less storms or at least less storms out of storm season. I don't know weather i agree with global warming but i do agree pollution is changing our weather.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Perscription Pills

More people abuse prescription drugs now a days. There are many reasons why but some are to get a high others are to make emotional pain go away then there is attempting to make physical pain go away.

Doctors around here are lazy. You go in with a problem and they just hand out medications. Every time you go in with the same problem they either up your dose or throw you on something else. Every time i go to a doctor with my back problems they throw me on a bunch of pills. Yet if i find a pill that works and go back in for a new prescription they just throw me on a different one and keep telling me to give this one a shot. And when it does not work and i go back asking to go back on the other one they tell me 'no we have some others we want you to try'... arg why can't they just let me stay on one instead of always changing my prescriptions.

I had this one doctor i went in to see, came in looked over my chart wrote something down handed it to me and left. He never said a word, didn't explain what he was putting me on or even ask me how i was feeling. My chart says what i was in for in the past what if it had been something different. Whats the point on helping people if you refuse to communicate with them. I can not stand doctors who don't listen or ask questions. But i really hate the ones who tell you how you are feeling when they are wrong and they argue with you that they are right. If i felt like that i would have told you that.

Prescription drugs are being miss used more and more for many reasons. One reason is because our doctors are not helping us anymore so we try new doses and combinations ourselves. I don't do it to the extreme but i understand why some people might be. I combine old medication with new ones when I'm not suppose to. None of it ever works anyways. Maybe a way of minimizing prescription abuse would be to have the doctors listen to their patients. I'm not saying its ok I'
m just saying doctors should be paying more attention to their patients.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fuck my jobs

I work two jobs and both my bosses are SEXIST PRICKS. fuckheads, that word suits them better. At the one job its a hardware store the front easy stuff is the girl section the back more complicated stuff is the men's section. I'm back there most the time anyways, i love working in screws and plumbing. It does not matter anyways our boss only highers dumb ass males. Every guy we have had working there is a dump creep. The last one we don't think he could even read. If my boss had even called his references he would have also found out he was fired from his last job for sexually harassing a 15 year old girl. The guy we have now never says hello to customers or asks them if they want help. He even walks away when we ask him just to show them where something is. The one time our one teller asked him to show a lady where zip ties are he said yeah then turned and walked outside. WHAT AN ASS.

This gets better my other job is a cleaning job. Oh Fun! Anyways the other lady who does my job is going on maternity leave. Not a bad thing all i ever do is clean up after her that's all it has been since the start. Anyways there is my one guy friend who was looking for a summer job. I told my boss he would be interested in cleaning. My boss told me he only highers women to do this part of the job because they clean faster. BULL SHIT... He hired this old woman, old, slow, and dumb. I walked in every room we have to clean explained what we had to do and everything. Not 15 minutes after i leave her to do the job she is setting the alarm off trying to go into a room we DO NOT clean?..... Anyways so we get that settled out then she is pulling the mats out and cleaning both sides of them and the floor... no!, if the floor is wet and the bottom of the mat is wet you just leave a real big yellow stain. So in the end i still had to do most the work and extra my boss asked me to do that night. The whole job should take 2 1/2 - 3 hours. OK so 1/3 of the work took her 3HOURS, 3HOURS only 1/3 of the work.... I was laughing at my boss oh yeah women are naturally fast cleaners my ASS.

The great part is i work with her tonight and get to follow her around to every room. Say goodbye to catching up on my sleep tonight won't be getting home till REALLY REALLY late. :(

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Know yourself

You see it all the time, people go to extreme lengths to look like their favorite celebrities. To be the same as their favorite celebrities. If i could only look the way she did on that magazine cover or in that movie. People want to be the same as people who are respected. People who have fans and are seen as icons. We destroy our bodies and ourselves trying to be what we are not. We wanna look, walk, talk, act, dress, feel, and be seen the same as these people. What people don't realize is no matter how hard you try you will always be you never them. We can change the way we look and act but you can't change your genetics or where you grew up or who you grew up with or just jump from poor to rich because you wanna be a celebrity.

We need to stop and look at our society. We need to understand that celebrities don't even look like that. Computer graphics, spray on tans, plastic surgeries, and air brushing. People don't actually look the way they do on magazine covers. We mutilate our bodies, starve ourselves, lose touch with our friends because they don't represent the look your going for or they don't respect your idiocy of trying to be4 someone you are not. People need to learn to love themselves, love the people around them. Normal, conform to the new age, what is normal,why should i dress and act like everyone else. Where is the individuality, why am i considered a skid just for having coloured hair and not being the friendliest. Is it because that's not what you consider to be normal, not what you approve of. I don't do drugs, party, or screw yet because you don't approve of me that makes me a skid.

People destroy themselves to be like celebrities, celebrities destroy themselves to be the way you expect them to be. Why can't we be proud to come in all different shapes, sizes, colours, and styles. I'm proud to be an individual, I won't conform to your or anyone else's standards. My name is Brandy and that who I am, I'm not some Brittany Spears wanna be, I am who I wanna be and I'm proud of it. I have an attitude that resembles some of my favorite celebrities, it was like that for a long time. Does not mean I'm gonna do everything i can to be as much like them as possible. To many people today want it all, they wanna be rich, have nice cars, big houses, etc. This is one of my favorite quotes by one of my favorite celebrities. "When all your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed."-Marilyn Manson. Which means when you have it all what is left for your imagination. The reason Marilyn Manson is one of my favorite celebrities is not because i want to be him its because he states his opinions no matter what everyone else says. He does not want to be like everyone else or have anyone the same as he is, he is proud to be an individual.

"I never said to be like me, I say to be like you and make a difference."-Marilyn Manson. I look up to people because of their attitudes, opinions, and actions, what they are willing to do and how determined they are to stand up for what they believe. Money can have a positive effect on helping you support what you believe, but its what you believe and your determination that inspires me. Big houses, fast cars, lots of money really can't buy happiness. The world today focuses to much on material possessions.

I understand the desire to be like someone else. Have their live, escape from your own. Besides the grass is always better on the other side right?... wrong, its the same from that side, you look back over and from the angle you are standing at the grass looks thicker. The angle you stand at hides all the brown patches, life is gonna be tough no matter what side you are on. Every ones life is difficult in some way, just because someone did not go threw the exact same thing as you does not mean their life was not tough. You can't compare the bad things that happened to you to the bad things that happened to someone else. You don't know how they feel, or felt.

You can;t destroy yourself, hide yourself, or remove who you are. You can put on a mask all you want but that is only temporary. Wearing a mask does not mean those "cool kids" are really your friends, they are friends with your mask and your mask alone. Don't destroy yourself trying to be someone who you can't be. Be yourself and find people who love you, support you, and respect you for who you TRULY are.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Cat problems

Boundaries are not as strong as they used to be. People do horrible things without consequences. They do it because they believe they will get away with it. The problem is lately they usually do. I myself am a huge animal lover and am concerned about what is happening to the animals around me. People don't understand that humans and animals are extremely alike. We see ourselves as better and believe it does not matter if we treat them poorly. Animals are in danger all around the world I am concerned about that to but i want to bring to peoples attention what s happening to the animals in your own towns.
Lately there has been a large problem with stray cats. The problem to me is they are not strays, they are owned. People just let their cats out to run all over the place. I know lots of people who don't see their cats for days. My cats don't go outside unless they are on a harness. Your cats should not be running around unless you live on a farm. People don't understand that letting your cat run all over is putting them in danger. You are letting your cats have a higher chance of getting hit by cars, killed by dogs, and eat stuff which could make them sick.
People are getting plain pissed right off. Everyday they go outside and some cat took a shit on their lawn or peed in their flowers. People are trying to put more pressure on the town but there are already laws against it. Your cat should be on a harness, it should also be licensed if outside. People are seriously overlooking the safety of their cats. My boss tells me the way they keep the cats from pissing in their flowers is they put orange peels in the flower beds. It sounds weird but it works for them . There are a lot more people taking a lot more serious actions.
Cat traps, ever heard of them? well they are different forms of either louring a cat to a trap or making it so that's the last visit to your yard that cat will make. I have heard of cages which i approve of as long as the cat goes to the pound or is found a home. I have seen large metal traps with bait placed inside the cat is loured in and the door closes. The cat should then be taken to the pound or found a home. I have heard of people killing the cats after they catch them or taking them far out of town and dumping them off.
The way of getting rid of cats that pisses me off the most though is antifreeze. People in my town put dishes of antifreeze out for the cats to drink. Antifreeze shuts down your kidneys causing an extremely slow and painful death. I had a dog who died of poisoning to the kidneys. The kidneys shut down, the animals loses all capability to keep food or drinks down. They begin shaking when they walk and have no capability of being aware of their surroundings. Even just a small thing of water will cause them to throw up and dry heave. Watching our dog suffer like that was hard thankfully we had the vet put him down. These cats don't usually get to be put down by vets, they suffer until they die.
There are also people who put out cat food with rat poison in it. Rat poison is also an extremely slow death. First off if your putting cat food out you are just louring them to kill them.
Peoples cats running around irritates me but that does not mean you have any right to kill them. There are small ways to get rid of cats that are a little far fetched like the orange peels. Using cages to capture the cats is fine as long as you are taking them to the pound or giving them a home. Letting your cat run around town means to me that you don't care if something happens to it. Antifreeze and rat poison is a slow and painful death and extremely CRUEL. If you own a cat please take responsibility for it and keep it at home. Don't kill other peoples cats take them to pounds and/or without a collar find them a home. Stand up in your community against these forms of animal cruelty, against all forms of animal cruelty.